About us

With passion

Tres Sabores Café is a vibrant culinary haven where the rich flavors of Spanish and Italian cuisines converge to create an unforgettable dining experience. Nestled in a cozy corner of the city, Tres Sabores offers a warm and inviting atmosphere, perfect for breakfast aficionados and pasta lovers alike. 

Start your day with a taste of Spain by indulging in our delicious Spanish breakfast offerings. Savor the flavors of freshly made fluffy tortilla de patatas and savory spanish toast. 

As the day progresses, Tres Sabores transforms into a pasta lover's paradise. Our Italian pasta dishes are crafted with the finest ingredients and traditional recipes, bringing the heart of Italy to your table. 

Get to know our team

Roosa Yavuz


Mustafa Wahhab

Owner / Manager

Phone: 0442374671
Email: Mustafa.wahhab@mail.com

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